Sunday, January 22, 2012

How to Protect Your Network From Hackers

These are some simple steps you can take:

1) Don’t use easy passwords that can be guessed or bruteforced by hackers. 
2) Don’t ever use your name, address, or other personal information as your password.
3) Always close ports that you don't use and scan your network for open ports regularly.
4) Use a firewall and always leave it on to protect against attackers.
5) Don't let your anti-virus get out of date because then you will be vulnerable
6) Don’t use the admin account always. Make another account with only the privileges you always use
7) Don't allow others to connect devices such as flashdrives or external hard-drives to your servers
8) Always use a USB for the bootup proccess to tighten security.
9) Password protect and lock folders and files for added security and to prevent privilege escalation.
10) Backup your server often.

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