Saturday, January 21, 2012

How to Hack a Facebook, Gmail, Skype, Yahoo, or Runescape Account.

Tutorials for a Beginning Hacker

The purpose of this tutorial series: "Tutorials for a Beginning Hacker" is to inform those who join this forum with just a few posts asking questions. Often times, these users don't know where to start or have a goal in mind, but don't know what to do. These tutorials are for them, and I invite anyone with questions to PM me because I either have the answer or know who does. Good luck!

Hacking Facebook, Gmail, Yahoo, etc
As you may have read, Facebook does not have a "hack" button. There is no secret code or password that will let you log into any account you want. Facebook is a big website. However, even the smartest Facebook programer is useless when your target may be very stupid. There are many ways to use Social Engineering to hack your target, and I will cover just about all of them.

A keylogger is a malware program that hides in the background of a computer and logs keystrokes that are made by a user. This data is sent to the hacker. Hackers use keyloggers to steal private banking info. Strict parents use keyloggers to monitor their kids. You can you a keylogger to get your targets Facebook password.

If you decide you want to use a keylogger, the first thing to think about is operating systems. You and your target both probably have Windows 7 as your operating system (or something similar) so you wont have a problem, but if you have a Mac and your target has a PC or vice versa, things get messy. I won't cover Mac stuff here, even though I am a mac user (I boot Backtrack 5 on my mac laptop and use an external antenna and wardrive. I use a PC for just about everything else). I would recommend Hell Raiser. You can find a Hack Forums explanation here:

However, don't get your hopes up, it only works for the Power PC version. You'll find as you get deeper into hacking that macs suck for hacking. Granted, they have some good uses, but if you want to get serious about hacking, do yourself a favor and burn a Live CD of Backtrack 5. If you have a Linux OS or your target does, there are linux keyloggers out there.

Now, the world of anti-virus is always changing and to bypass the anti-virus software that your target may have you need to encrypt your program. There is lots of discussion of this in the Cryptography section so you can get a better understanding of this, but stick with me for a moment. What you need to do is to go the the Keylogger section of HackForums and follow one of their excelent tutorials and you'll have your Keylogger up and running! There are several ways to distribute your keylogger. You could email it to them (from an anonymous account I hope) and tell them to download it, (title it something like fungame.exe), other methods should be covered in the other guide.

This tutorial should help you out:

Keyloggers are great, but I think that RATS are better, I'll cover RATS next.

RATs are also malware, but they are a bit more heavy duty. RATs are Remote Administration Tools. They monitor the user and allow you to control their PC. So you can use your target for all sorts of things, you can even use your target to spread your RAT or act as a proxy so you can hack in safety. That's why I think RATs are cool. As with keyloggers, it's a bit difficult when you target is a different OS than you, or you have a less common OS such as Linux (I love linux thPeople like to brag about the number of "slaves" they have and unless you have at ough, don't get me wrong) or OS X. Arguably, the best Windows 7 RAT program is Cybergate. In the RATs section, you can find a great guide on any RAT program you want.

This tutorial should help you out:

Did you know that you can actually use a USB to steal passwords? This method has been floating around Hack Forums for a while now, but I still love it. This may sound stupid, but imagine this:
You're paired with your target for a school project. You need to make a power point presentation. He/She probably expects you to do all of it so follow the guide bellow, give it to your target (put the power point on it, it won't mess it up, I promise) and when they put it in their computer, their password is. When they return your USB to you, HAHA, you've just been given their info.

There are many different tutorials like this, but this should help you out:

I hope this guide has sent you in the right direction and given you a good idea of what you should be doing.

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